Mother oh Mother !!

So today I was given a cup of tea in bed by my 14 year old ( Mothers Day Treat don’t you know !! )

Some anaemic toast cooked by my 7 year old.

A snotty kiss from my five-year-old and 2 year old .

A couple of bunches of flowers , some Bath Bombs and a Polaroid camera.

Spent the morning watching football (as the dedicated Mother I am !! ) watched the other siblings get caked in mud and my son’s team won 3~1.

Watched a couple of easy watching films ; the diary of a wimpy kid & Home alone 2 whilst I , my ex and my 7 year old took a dose and the youngest ones trashed the living room as they do !!

The plan was to go for some nice restaurant food let’s hope the plan happens and the large glass of wine finally clears this blooming Mother of 5’s headache !!!